Franz Liszt Works

American violinist Arma Senkrah posing for a photograph with Franz Liszt in Weimar, Germany, 1885
American violinist Arma Senkrah posing for a photograph with Franz Liszt in Weimar, Germany, 1885


1. Don Sanche, ou Le Chateau d’Amour. Opera en un acte. 1824-5.


2. Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth. Oratorio on words o f Otto Roquette. 1857—62.

3. Christus. Oratorio on texts from the Holy Scripture and the Catholic Liturgy. 1855—67.

I. Christmas Oratorio.
1. Introduction.
2. Pastorale and Annunciation.
3. Stabat mater speciosa.
4. Shepherd’s song at the manger.
5. The Three Holy Kings (March).

II . After Epiphany.
6. The Beatitudes.
7. Pater noster.
8. The Foundation o f the Church.
9. The Miracle.
10. The Entry into Jerusalem.

III. Passion and Resurrection.
11. Tristis est anima mea.
12. Stabat mater dolorosa.
13. O filii et filiae.
14. Resurrexit.

4. Cantico del Sol di Francesco d’Assisi. Bar. solo, male chorus, orch. and organ. 1862; rev. 1880-1.

5. Die heilige Cacilia. Legende. M – S solo, chorus and orch. 1874.

6. Die Glocken des Strassburger Miinsters (Longfellow). M – S , Bar. soli, chorus and orch. 1874.
1. Vorspiel; Excelsior.
2. Die Glocken.

7. Cantantibus organis. Antifonia per la festa di Sta. Cecilia. Solo, chorus and orch. 1879.

8. Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales concinente organo. Male chorus and organ. 1st version 1848; 2nd version 1869.

9. Missa solennis zur Einweihung der Basilika in Gran (Gran Mass). SATB soli, chorus and orch. 1855; rev. 1857-8.

10. Missa choralis, organo concinente. Mixed chorus and organ. 1865.

11. Hungarian Coronation Mass. SATB soli, chorus and orch. 1867 (Graduale 1869). Cf. 15a.

12. Requiem. TTBB soli, male chorus, organ and brass. 1867-8; “Libera me.” 1871.

13. Psalm 13. ” Lord , how long?” T solo, chorus and orch. 1855; rev. 1859.

14. Psalm 18. “Coeli enarrant.” Male chorus and orch. 1860.

15. Psalm 23. “The Lord is my shepherd.” T or S solo, harp, organ; also with male chorus ad lib. 1859; rev. 1862.

15a Psalm 116. “Laudate Dominum.” Male chorus and pf. 1869; cf. 11.

16. Psalm 129. “De Profundis.” Bar. solo, male chorus and organ; or B (or A ) and pf. 1881. (S.W. 1880).

17. Psalm 137. “By the waters of Babylon.” S solo, women’s chorus, solo violin, harp and organ. 1859; rev. 1862.

18. Five choruses with French texts. (In the 1840s.)
1. Qui m’a donne.
2. L’Eternel est son nom (Racine).
3. Chantons, chantons l’auteur.
4. (A major, without text.)
5. Combien j’ai douce souvenance (Chateaubriand).

19. Hymne de l’enfant a son reveil (Lamartine). Women’s chorus, harm, and harp. C. 1845; rev. 1862 and 1874. (S.W.: Not an original work. Arrangement of 173/b; rev. 1865, 1874).

20. Ave Maria I . 1st version, chorus and organ, 1846. 2nd version, “Quattuor vocum concinente organo”, c. 1852.

21. Pater noster II.
1. Male chorus unacc, 1846.
2. Pater noster quattuor vocum ad aequales concinente organo secundum rituale SS. ecclesiae Romanae, c. 1848.

22. Pater noster IV. Mixed chorus and organ. 1850.

23. Domine salvum fac regem. T solo, male chorus and organ. 1853.

24. Te Deum II. Hymnus SS Ambrosii et Augustini. Male chorus and organ. 1853 (?)

25. Die Seligkeiten. Bar, solo, mixed chorus and organ. 1859-9; cf. 3, 6.

26. Festgesang zur Eroffnung der zehnten allgemeinen deutschen Lehrerversammlung (Hoffmann von Fallersleben). Male chorus and organ. 1858.

27. Te Deum I . Mixed chorus, organ, brass and timps. 1859 (?).

28. An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula. Gebet. Male voices, organ, brass and timps. 1860 (at latest); rev. c. 1874. cf. 175, 2.

29. Pater noster I . Mixed chorus and organ. 1860 (at latest), cf. 3,7.

30. Responses and Antiphons. Mixed chorus and organ. 1860.

31. Christus ist geboren I (Landmesser). Prob. 1863.
1. Mixed chorus and organ.
2. Male chorus and organ.

32. Christus ist geboren II (Landmesser). 1863 (?)
1. Mixed chorus and organ.
2. Male chorus unacc. (organ postlude).
3. SSA unacc.

33. Slavimo Slavno Slaveni! Male chorus and organ 1863.

34. Ave maris Stella.
1. Mixed chorus and organ. 1865 or 6.
2. Male chorus and organ. 1868.

35. Crux! Hymne des marins, avec Antienne approbative de N . T . S. P. Pie IX . 1865.
1. Male voices unacc.
2. Women’s voices and pf.

36. Dall’ alma Roma. 2-part chorus and organ. After 1867, from 3, 8.

37. Mihi autem adhaerere. Male chorus and organ. 1868.

38. Ave Maria II. Mixed chorus and organ. 1869.

39. Inno a Maria Vergine. Mixed chorus, harp, organ or pf., 4 hands, and harm. 1869.

40. O salutaris hostia I. Female chorus and organ. Prob. 1869.

41. Pater noster III.
1. Mixed chorus and organ (Fma.). 1869.
2. Male chorus and organ or harm, or pf. 1869.

42. Tantum ergo.
1. Male chorus and organ.
2. Female chorus and organ. 1869.

43. O salutaris hostia I I . Mixed chorus and organ, c. 1870 (?).

44. Ave verum corpus. Mixed chorus and organ (ad lib. ) . 1871.

45. Libera me. Male chorus and organ. 1871. Cf. 12.

46. Anima Christi sanctifica me. Male chorus and organ. (2 versions.) 1874.

47. Sankt Christoph. Legend for Bar. solo, women’s chorus, pf., harm, and harp. 1874.

48. Der Herr bewahret die Seelen seiner Heiligen. Festgesang zur Enthullung des Carl-August-Denkmals in Weimar am 3 September 1875. Mixed chorus, organ and wind. 1875.

49. Weihnachtslied (O heilige Nacht). T solo, women’s chorus and organ or harm. After 1876; from 186, 2.

50. 11 Chorales, for pf., at the end of the 1870s, cf.: New Liszt Edition: Verschiedene Zyklische Werke II. P. XIV . Budapest 1980. cf. 194a.

51. Gott sei uns gnadig und barmherzig. Kir-chensegen. Mixed chorus and organ. 1878; cf. 50, 2.

52. Septem Sacramenta. Responsoria cum organo vel harmonio concinente.
1. Baptisma.
2. Confirmatio.
3. Eucharistia.
4. Poenitentia.
5. Extrema Unctio.
6. Ordo.
7. Matrimonium. M-S, Bar. soli, mixed chorus and organ. 1878.

53. Via Crucis. Les 14 Stations de la Croix pour Chreur et Soli, avec accompagnement d’orgue (ou pianoforte). 1878-9.

54. O Roma nobilis. Mixed chorus and organ or solo voice and organ. 1879.

55. Ossa arida. Male chorus and organ. 4 hands, or pf., 4 hands. 1879.

56. Rosario.
1. Mysteria gaudiosa.
2. Mysteria dolorosa.
3. Mysteria gloriosa.
4. Pater noster. 1-3, mixed chorus and organ; 4. Bar. solo, male chorus and organ. 1879.

57. In domum Domini ibimus. Mixed chorus, organ, brass and drums. (In L.’s last years.)

58. O sacrum convivium. A solo, women’s chorus and organ. (In L.’s last years.)

59. Pro Papa.
1. Dominus conservet eum. Mixed chorus and organ, c. 1880.
2. T u es Petrus. Male chorus and organ, no conn, with 3, 8.

60. Zur Trauung. Geistliche Vermahlungsmusik. (Ave Maria III. ) Women’s chorus and organ. 1883, from 161, 1.

61. Nun danket alle Gott. Mixed or male chorus, organ, brass and drums. 1883.

62. Mariengarten. (Quasi cedrus.) SSAT and organ. 1884.

63. Qui seminant in lacrimis. Mixed chorus and organ. 1884.

64. Pax vobiscum! Male chorus and organ. 1885.

65. Qui Mariam absolvisti. Bar. solo, mixed chorus and organ. 1885.

66. Salve Regina. Mixed chorus unacc. (No conn, with 669, 1. 1885.)

67. Festkantate zur Enthullung des Beethoven-Denkmals in Bonn (O. L. B. Wolff). SSTTBB soli, chorus and orch. 1845.

68. Zur Sakularfeier Beethovens (2nd Beethoven Cantata) (Adolf Stern and Gregorovius). SATB soli, chorus and orch. 1869-70.

69. Chore zu Herders EntfesseltemPrometheus. SATTBB soli, chorus and orch. 1850; rev. 1855.

70. An die Kunstler (Schiller). TTBB soli, male chorus and orch. 1st and 2nd version, 1853;

71. Gaudeamus igitur. Humoreske. Soli (ad lib.), mixed or male chorus and orch. 1869.

72. Four-part male choruses (for the benefit of the Mozart-Stiftung).
1. Rheinweinlied (Herwegh).
2. Students’ song from Goethe’s Faust 3 and 4. Reiterlied (Herwegh), 1st and 2nd versions. 1 and 3 with pf., 2 and 4 unacc. 1841.

73. Es wareinmal ein Konig (Goethe’s Faust). B solo, male chorus and pf.

74. Das deutsche Vaterland (Arndt). 4-partmale chorus. 2 versions. 1841.

75. Ober alien Gipfeln ist Ruh (Goethe). Male chorus. 1st version, unacc., 1842; 2nd version, with 2 horns, 1849. Cf. 306.

76. Das diistre Meer umrauscht mich. Male chorus and pf. 1842.

77. Die lustige Legion (Buchheim.) Male chorus and pf. 1846.

78. Trinkspruch. Male chorus and pf. 1843.

79. Titan (Schobert). Bar. solo, male chorus and pf. 1842, 1845, 1847.

80. Les Quatre Elements. (Autran.)
1. La Terre.
2. Les Aquilons.
3. Les Flots.
4. Les Astres. Male chorus and pf. 1844-5. Cf. 97.

81. Le Forgeron (Lamennais). Male chorus and pf. 1845.

81a. A Patakhoz (To the Brook) (Janos Garay) 1846.

82. Arbeiterchor. B solo, male quartet and chorus, pf. 1848. Cf. 100.

83. Ungaria-Kantate (Schober). Bar. solo, mixed chorus and pf. 1848.

84. Licht, mehr Licht (Schober (?)). Male chorus and brass. 1849.

85. Chorus of Angels from Goethe’s Faust. Mixed chorus and harp of pf. 1849.

86. Festchor zur Enthullung des Herder-Denkmals in Weimar (Scholl). Male chorus and pf. 1850.

87. Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius). 1857, from 357.
1. Male chorus and wind.
2. Male chorus and pf.
3. 4-part chorus.
4. Male chorus and organ.
5. Populaire.
6. 3-part chorus.

88. Morgenlied (Fallersleben). Women’s chorus unacc. 1859.

89. Mit klingendem Spiel. Children’s voices. c.1859.

90. Fur Mannergesang.
1. Vereinslied (Fallersleben). 1856.
2. Standchen (Ruckert), with T solo. 1857.
3. Wir sind nicht Mumien (Fallersleben). 1842.
4-6. Geharnischte Lieder: Vor der Schlacht, Nicht gezagt, Es rufet Gott. (Meyer and Gotze). 1845, with pf. Rev. c. 1860, unacc.
7. Soldiers’ song from Goethe’s Faust. (Trumpets and timps. ad lib.) 1844.
8. Die alten Sagen kunden (with solo quartet), c. 1845.
9. Saatengrun (Uhland). c. 1845.
10. Der Gang um Mitternacht (Herwegh) with T solo. c. 1845.
11. Festlied zu Schillers Jubelfeier (Dingelstedt), with Bar. solo. 1859.
12. Gottes ist der Orient (Goethe). 1842.

91. Das Lied der Begeisterung. A lelkesedes dala. 1871.

92. Carl August weilt mit uns. Festgesang zur Enthullung des Carl-August-Denkmals in Weimar am 3 September 1875. Male chorus, brass, drums and organ. 1875. Cf. 48.

93. Ungarisches Konigslied. Hungarian King’s Song (Abranyi). 1883.
1. Male chorus unacc.
2. Mixed chorus unacc.
3. Male chorus and pf.
4. Mixed chorus and pf.
5. Male or mixed chorus and orch.

94. Gruss. Male chorus. 1885 (?).


95. Ce qu’on entend sur la montagne (Bergsymphonie) after Victor Hugo. 3 versions:
1. 1848-9.
2. 1850.
3. 1854.

96. Tasso, Lamento e Trionfo, after Byron. 4 versions; 1849-54. (S. W. 1841-1854.)

97. Les Preludes, after Lamartine, 1848, as intro. to 80; rev. before 1854. Cf. 142, 304.

98. Orpheus 1853-4.

99. Prometheus. 1850, as overture to 69; rev. 1855. Cf. 121.

100. Mazeppa, after Victor Hugo. 1851; rev. c. 1854. F r om 139, 4.

101. Festklange. 1853.

102. Heroide funebre. 1848-50, from 690; rev. c. 1854 (S. W. 1849-50.)

103. Hungaria. 1854, from 231.

104. Hamlet. 1858.

105. Hunnenschlacht, after Kaulbach. 1856-7.

106. Die Ideale, after Schiller. 1857; cf. 70.

107. Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe. 1881-2. Cf. 198.


108. A Faust Symphony in three character pictures, after Goethe. 1854; final chorus added 1857.
1. Faust.
2. Gretchen.
3. Mephistopheles, and final chorus.

109. A Symphony to Dante’s Divina Commedia.
1. Inferno.
2. Purgatorio and Magnificat. 1855-6, with two endings.

110. Two Episodes from Lenau’s Faust.
1. Der nachtliche Zug.
2. Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke (1st Mephisto Waltz). 1860. Cf. 514.

111. Second Mephisto Waltz. 1880-1.

112. Trois Odes funebres.
1. Les Morts (Lamennais). Oration for full orchestra with male chorus. 1860.
2. La Notte, after Michelangelo. 1863-4, from 161, 2.
3. Le Triomphe funebre du Tasse. Epilogue to Tasso, 96. 1866.

113. Salve Polonia. Interlude from the oratorio St. Stanislaus, 688. 1863.

114. Kunstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier 1857,1859, on themes from 70 and 106.

115. Festmarschzur Goethejubilaumsfeier. 1849; rev. 1857. Cf. 227.

116. Festmarsch nach Motiven von E. H . z. S.-C.-G. (Ernst Herzog zu Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha—from his opera Diana von Solange). 1859.

117. Rakoczi March, symphonic arrangement. 1865; cf. 244, 15 (sketched earlier).

118. Ungarischer Marsch zur Kronungsfeier in Ofen-Pest am 8 Juni 1867, 1870 (!).

119. Ungarischer Sturmmarsch. 1875, from 232.

119a Legendes.
1. St. Francois d’Assise. La predication aux oiseaux.
2. St. Francois de Paule marchant sur les flots. According to recent researches orig. for orch. Before
1863. Cf. 175, 2, 28, 354.


120. Grande Fantaisie Symphonique on themes from Berlioz’ Lelio. 1834.

121. Malediction, with string orchestra. Sketched c. 1830 (?); rev. c. 1840 (?). Cf. 99, 108.
(S.W.: 1840).

122. Fantasia on themes from Beethoven’s Ruins of Athens. 1848-52. (S.W.: latest 1837).

123. Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes. C. 1852, from 244, 14.

124. Concerto No. 1. in E flat. Sketched c. 1830; completed 1849-56. (S. W . : sketched 1832.)

125. Concerto No. 2. in A major. 1839; rev. 1849-61.

126. Totentanz. Paraphrase on the Dies Irae. Planned 1838; (i) 1849; (ii) rev. 1853 and 1859. (S. W. planned 1839.)


127. Duo (Sonata), violin and piano. (In the 1830s.) On Chopin’s Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 6, No. 2.

128. Grand Duo Concertant sur la Romance de M . Lafont, “Le Marin” . C. 1835; rev. c. 1849. Violin and piano. (S. W . : 1835)

129. Epithalam zu E. Remenyis Vermahlungsfeier, violin and piano. 1872.

130. Elegie.
1. Cello, pf., harp and harm.
2. Cello and pf.
3. Violin and pf. 1874, cf. 196.

131. Second Elegy. Piano and violin or cello. 1877. Cf. 197.

132. Romance Oubliee. Piano and viola or violin or cello. 1880; cf. 169, 527.

133. Die Wiege (The Cradle). 4 violins, 1881. Cf. 107, 198.

134. La Lugubre Gondola. Piano and violin or cello. 1882. Cf. 200, 2.

135. Am Grabe Richard Wagners. String quartet and harp. 1883; cf. 6, 1 and 202.


136. Etude en 48 exercises dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs. 1826; only 12 were written. Cf. 137-9.

137. 24 Grandes Etudes. 1837; from 136. Only 12 were written.

138. Mazeppa. c. 1840 (?) from 137, 4. (S.W.: sketched 1829)

139. Etudes d’execution transcendante. 1851; from 138-8. Cf. 100.

1. Preludio.

2. A Minor.

3. Paysage.

4. Mazeppa.

5. Feux follets.

6. Vision.

7. Eroica.

8. Wilde Jagd.

9. Ricordanza.

10. F minor.

11. Harmonies du soir.

12. Chasseneige.

140. Etudes d’execution transcendante d’apres Paganini. 1838; cf. 141.

1. G minor.

2. E flat major.

3. La Campanella.

4. E major.

5. La Chasse.

6. Theme and Variations.

141. Grandes Etudes de Paganini. 1851, from 140.

142. Morceau de Salon, Etude de Perfectionnement. 1840; cf. 97, 143.

143. Ab Irato. Etude de Perfectionnement de la Methode des methodes. 1852, from 142.

144. 3 Etudes de Concert.

1. A flat major.

2. F minor.

3. D flat major. C. 1848. (Sometimes known as II lamento, La leggierezza, Un sospiro.)

145. 2 Concert Studies.

1. Waldesrauschen.

2. Gnomenreigen. 1862-3.

146. Technical Studies (12 books). 1868 to c. 1880.


147. Variation on a waltz by Diabelli. 1822.

148. Huit Variations. C. 1824.

149. Sept Variations brillantes sur un theme de G.Rossini. C. 1824.

150. Impromptu brillant sur des themes de Rossini et Spontini. 1824.

151. Allegro di bravura. 1824. Rondo di bravura. 1824. Scherzo i n G minor. 1827.

154. Harmonies poetiques et religieuses. 1834. Cf. 173, 4. (S. W . : 1833; rev.? 1835).

155. Apparitions.

1. Senza lentezza quasi Al legretto.

2. Vivamente.

3. Molto agitato ed appassionato. 1834; 3 on a waltz of Schubert; cf. 427, 4.

156. Album d’un voyageur. 1835-6; cf. 157, 160. (S. W . : finished 1838.) (Lyon, L. S. II.)

I . Impressions et poesies.

1. Lyon. 2a Le Lac de Wallenstadt. 2b. Au bord d’une source. 3. Les cloches de G… 4. Vallee d’Oberman. 5. La Chapelle de Guillaume Tell. 6. Psaume.

II. Fleurs melodiques des Alpes.

7a. Allegro. 7b. Lento. 7c. Allegro pastorale. 8a. Andante con sentimento. 8b. Andante molto espressivo. 8c. Allegro moderate 9a. Allegretto. 9b. Allegretto. 9c. Andantino con molto sentimento.

III. Paraphrases.

10. Improvisata sur le Ranz de Vaches de Ferd. Huber. 11. Un soir dans les montagnes. 12. Rondeau sur le Ranz

de Chevres de Ferd. Huber.

157. Fantaisie. romantique sur deux melodies suisses 1835; cf. 156, 7b.

158. Tre Sonetti del Petrarca, 1st version. C. 1839 (?), from 270; cf. 161, 4-6.

159. Venezia e Napoli, 1st version. 1. Lento. 2. Allegro. 3. Andante placido. 4. Tarantelles napolitaines. C. 1840; cf. 96, 162. (S. W .: 1840).

160. Annees de pelerinage. Premiere annee; Suisse. 7. 1836; the rest, 1848-54, from 156.

1. Chapelle de Guillaume Tell.

2. Au Lac de Wallenstadt.

3. Pastorale.

4. Au bord d’une source.

5. Orage.

6. Vallee d’Obermann.

7. Egloque.

8. Le mal du pays.

9. Les cloches de Geneve.

161. Annees de pelerinage. Deuxieme Annee; Italie.

1. Spozalizio.

2. II Penseroso.

3. Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa.

4. Sonetto 47 del Petrarca.

5. Sonetto 104 del Petrarca.

6. Sonetto 123 del Petrarca.

7. Apres une lecture de Dante, Fantasia quasi Sonata. 1, 2, 1838-9; 3. 1849; 4-6, from 158, after 1846; 7 sketched 1837, rev. 1849. (S. W . : sketches autumn 1839)

162. Venezia e Napoli. Supplement aux Annees de pelerinage, 2e volume. 1859, from 159, 3 and 4. 1. Gondoliera. 2. Canzone. 3. Tarantella.

163. Annees de pelerinage. Troisieme Annee.

1. Angelus! Priere aux anges gardiens.

2. Aux cypres de la Villa d’Este, Threnodie I.

3. Aux cypres de la Villa d’Este, Threnodie II.

4. Les Jeux d’eaux a la Villa d’Este.

5. Sunt lacrymae rerum, en mode hongrois.

6. Marche funebre.

7. Sursum corda. 1-4, 1877. 5, 1872. 6, 1867. 7, 1877.

164. Albumblatt in E. C. 1841; from 210.

165. Feuilles d’album in A flat. 1841.

166. Albumblatt in waltz form. 1842. Cf. 212.

167. Feuille d’album i n A minor. C. 1843; from 274.

168. filegie sur des motifs du Prince Louis-Ferdinand de Prusse 1842.

169. Romance. 1848; cf. 132, 527. From 301a.

170. Ballade No. 1 in D flat. 1845-8.

171. Ballade No. 2 in B minor. 1853.

171a Madrigal. (Earlier version of 172, 5).

172. Consolations. 1849-50.

173. Harmonies poetiques et religieuses.

1. Invocation.

2. Ave Maria.

3. Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude.

4. Pensee des morts.

5. Pater noster.

6. Hymne de l’enfant a son reveil.

7. Funerailles, Oct. 1849.

8. Miserere, d’apres Palestrina.

9. Andante lagrimoso.

10. Cantique d’amour. 3 sketched 1845; the rest 1847-52; 2 from 20, 4 from 154 and 691; 5 from 21, 2; 6

from 19.

174. Berceuse; 1st version 1854; 2nd version 1862.

175. Legendes.

1. St. Francois d’Assise. La Predication aux oiseaux.

2. St. Francois de Paule marchant sur les flots. 1863, at latest; of 4, 28, 354, 119/a, orig. for orch.

176. Grosses Konzertsolo. C. 1849. Cf. 258, 365.

177. Scherzo and March. 1851.

178. Sonata in B minor. 1852-3. (S. W. 1851- 1853)

179. Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen; Prelude after J. S. Bach. 1859; cf. 180.

180. Variations on the theme of Bach—Basso continuo of the first movement of his cantata Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, and of the Crucifixus o f the B minor Mass. 1862.

181. Sarabande and Chaconne from Handel’s opera Almira. (S. W . : not an orig. work).

182. Ave Maria for the piano school of Lebert and Stark (The Bells of Rome). 1862.

183. Alleluja et Ave Maria (d’Arcadelt). 1862; 1 on themes from 4.

184. Urbi et or bi . Benediction papale. 1864.

185. Vexilla regis prodeunt. 1864.

186. Weihnachtsbaum. Arbre de Noel. 1874-6.

1. Psallite.

2. O heilige Nacht!

3. Die Hirten an der Krippe. Adeste fideles.

5. Scherzoso.

6. Carillon.

7. Schlummerlied.

8. Altes provengalisches Weihnachtslied.

9. Abendglocken.

10. Ehemals! (Jadis). Ungarisch.

12. Polnisch.

187. Sancta Dorothea. 1877.

187a Resignazione. 1877.

188. In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi. 1880.

189. Piano piece in A flat. 1866.

190. La Marquise de Blocqueville. Portrait en musique. 1868.

191. Impromptu. 1872. (Also new version as Nocturne).

192. Five little piano pieces (for Baroness von Meyendorff). 1, 2, 1865; 3, 1873; 4, 1876; 6, (Sospiri) 1879. 1, cf. 308.

193. Klavierstiick in F sharp major. (In L.’s late years.)

194. Mosonyi’s Grabgeleit. Mosonyi gyaszmenete. 1870.

194a Chorales. End of the 1870s. Cf. 50.

1. Crux ave benedicta.

2. Jesu Christe.

3. Meine Seel’ erhebt den Herrn.

4. Nun danket alle Gott!

5. Nun ruhen alle Walder.

6. O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden.

7. O Lamm Gottes!

8. O Traurigkeit.

9. Vexilla regis.

10. Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan.

11. Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten.

195. Dem Andenken Petofis. (Petofi szellemenek.) 1877;cf. 349.

196. (First) Elegy. 1874, from 130.

197. Second Elegy. 1877; cf. 131.

197a. Toccata. 1879.

197b. Carrousel de Mme Pelet-Narbonne. 1875-1881.

198. Wiegenlied (Chant du berceau). 1881; cf. 107, 133.

199. Nuages gris. 1881.

200. La Lugubre Gondola. (2 versions.) 1882; cf. 134.

201. R. W.—Venezia. 1883.

202. Am Grabe Richard Wagners. 1883; cf. 135, 267.

203. Schlaflos, Frage und Antwort (Nocturne after a poem by Toni Raab). 1883.

204. Recueillement. ( In L.’s last years.)

205. Historische ungarische Bildnisse Final version: 1885. 7.: 1870, 5.: 1873, 6.: 1874, 1,2, 3, 4.: 1885, 3.: cf. 206; 6, 7.: cf. 195, 194.

1. Istvan Szechenyi.

2. Ferenc Deak.

3. Laszlo Teleki.

4. Jozsef Eotvos.

5. Mihaly Vorosmarty.

6. Sandor Pet6fi.

7. Mihaly Mosonyi.

206. TrauervorspielundTrauermarsch. 1885. Cf. 205, 3.

207. En rSve. Nocturne.

208. Unstern. Sinistre. Disastro. (In L.’s last years.)

208a. Valse. 1822-1823.

208b. Valse in A . 1822-1823.

209. Grande Valse die Bravura (1st version). 1836; cf. 214, 1.

210. Valse melancolique (1st version). 1839. Cf. 214, 2.

211. Landler in A flat. 1843.

212. Petite Valse favorite. 1842. Cf. 166, 213.

213. Valse Impromptu. C. 1850, from 212.

214. Trois Caprices—Valses. C. 1850; 1 from 209, 2 from 210, 3 from 401.

215. 4 valses oubliees. 1881-5.

216. Mephisto Waltz No. 3. 1883.

216a. Bagatelle sans tonalite. (Mephisto Waltz No. 4.) 1885.

216b. Mephisto Waltz No . 4. 1885.

217. Mephisto Polka. 1883.

218. Galop in A minor. 1841 (?)

219. Grand Galop chromatique. 1838.

220. Galop de Bal. C. 1840.

221-222. Mazurka brillante. 1850.

223. 2 Polonaises.

1, C minor.

2, E major. 1851.

224. Csardas macabre. 1881-1882.

225. 2 Csardas.

1, Allegro.

2, Csardas obstine. 1884.

226. Festvorspiel—Prelude. 1856, as Preludio pomposo.

227. Festmarsch zur Saecularfeier von Goethe’s Geburtstag (1st version). 1849; cf.; 115.

228. Huldingungsmarsch. 1853.

229. Vom Fels zum Meer. Deutscher Siegesmarsch. 1853-6.

230. Biilow-Marsch. 1883.

231. Heroischer Marsch im ungarischen Styl. 1840. Cf. 103.

232. Seconde Marche hongroise. Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (1st version). 1844; cf. 119.

233. Ungarischer Geschwindmarsch. Magyar Gyors indulo. 1870.

233a. Siegesmarsch. Marche Triomphale. C. 1870. (S. W . : 1882).

233b. Ungarischer Marsch. E flat minor.



233c. Tyrolean Melody. 1856 (?) cf. 733.


234. Hussitenlied of the 15th century. 1840. (Melody by Krov, 1797-1859).


235. God Save the Queen. 1841.


236. Faribolo Pastour and Chanson du Beam. 1844.

237. La Marseillaise. Cf. 690. Pub. 1872.

238. La cloche sonne. C. 1850.

239. Vive Henri IV. C. 1870-80.


240. Gaudeamus igitur. Concert paraphrase. 1843; separate work from 71.


241. Two movements of Hungarian character (Zum Andenken). 1828.

242. A. Magyar Dallok. Ungarische Nationalmelodien. 1839-47. (S. W . : 1840).

Book I.

1. Lento.

2. Andantino.

3. Sehr langsam.

4. Animato (cf. 243, 2, and 244, 6).

5. Tempo giusto (cf. 243, 1, and 244, 6).

6. Lento (cf. 244, 5).

Book II.

7. Andante cantabile (cf. 244, 4).

Book III.

8. Lento.

9. Lento.

Book IV.

10. Adagio sostenuto a capriccio (cf. 244, 15).

11. Andante sostenuto (cf. 243, 3, and 244, 3 and 6). B. Magyar Rhapsodiak. Rhapsodies Hongroises.

Book V.

12. Mesto (herolde elegiaque) (cf. 244, 5).

Book VI.

13. Tempo di Marcia (cf. 244, 15).

Book VII.

14. Lento a capriccio (cf. 244,11).

Book VIII.

15. Lento, Tempo e stilo zingarese (cf. 244, 7).

Book IX.

16. E major (cf. 244,10).

Book C.

17. Andante sostenuto (cf. 244,13). C.

18. Adagio (cf. 244, 12).

19. Lento patetico (cf. 244, 8).

20. Allegro vivace (cf. 244, 6 and 12).

21. Tempo di marcia funebre (cf. 244, 14).

243. Ungarische Nationalmelodien.

1 from 242, 5;

2 from 242, 4;

3 from 242, 11. C. 1840. Cf. 244, 6.

244. Hungarian Rhapsodies.

1. Lento, quasi Recitativo. 1846.

2. Lento a capriccio. 1847.

3. Andante. From 242, 11.

4. Quasi Adagio, altieramente. From 242, 7.

5. Heroide elegiaque. Lento con duolo. From 242, 12; cf. 242, 6.

6. Tempo giusto. From 242, 4, 5, 11, 20; cf. 243.

7. Lento. From 242, 15.

8. Lento a capriccio. From 242, 19.

9. Pester Karneval. Moderato (2 versions). 1848.

10. Preludio. From 242, 16.

11. Lento a capriccio. From 242, 14.

12. Mesto. From 242, 18 and 20.

13. Andante sostenuto. From 242, 17.

14. Lento quasi marcia funebre. From 242, 21. Cf. 123.

15. Rakoczi March. 1st version from 242, 10 and 13. 2nd version from 117. Simplified version 1852, from 1st version.

16. Allegro. 1882.

17. Lento. C. 1883 (?).

18. Lento. 1885.

19. Lento. 1885, after the Csardas nobles of Abranyi. 245. 5 Hungarian folk songs, transcribed for pf. C. 1873.

246. Puszta-Wehmut. A Puszta Reserve. (In L.’s last years.)


247. La romanesca. 1839.

248. Canzone Napolitana. 1842.


249. Glanes de Woronince. 1. Ballade d’Ukraine (Dumka). 1. Melodies polonaises. 2. Complainte (Dumka). 1847-8. 2, cf. 480, 1.


250. Deux Melodies russes. Arabesques.

1. Le Rossignol, air russe d’Alabieff.

2. Chanson bohemienne. 1842.

251. Zum Abschied. Russisches Volkslied. 1885.

251a. Variation on the Chopsticks theme. 1880, for the collection of Borodin, Cui, Liadov and Rimsky-Korsakov.


252. Rondeau fantastique sur un theme espagnol. El Contrabandista. 1836.

253. Grosse Konzertfantasie iiber Spanische Weisen. 1845.

254. Rhapsodie espagnole. Folies d’Espagne et Jota aragonesa. C. 1863; one theme in common with 253.


255. Festpolonaise. 1876, for the marriage of Princess Marie of Saxony.

256. Notturno (E major). From 158. (arr. Gottschalg).


257. Grosses Konzertstiick iiber Mendelssohns Lieder ohne Worte. 1834.

258. Concerto pathetique. 1856 (at latest) from 176.


259. Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale: Ad nos, ad salutarem undam. 1850; theme from Meyerbeer’s Le Prophete.
Cf. 414.

260. Prelude and Fugue on the name BACH. 1st version, 1885; 2nd version, 1870. Cf. 529.

261. Pio IX. Der Papsthymnus. 1863 (?). Later became 3, 8.

261a Andante religioso.

262. Ora pro nobis. Litanei. 1864.

263. Resignazione. 1877.

264. Missa pro organo lectarum celebrationi missarum adjumento inserviens. 1879, from 8 and 20. Cf. 265.

265. Gebet. 1879. Cf. 264.

266. Requiem fur die Orgel. 1883, from 12.

267. A m Grabe Richard Wagners. 1883. Cf. 135, 202.

268. Zwei Vortragsstucke. 1. Introitus. 2. Trauerode (Les Morts, 112, 1). 1, 1884; 2, 1860.


269. Angiolin dal biondo crin (Bocella). (i) 1839; (ii) c. 1856.

270. Tre Sonetti di Petrarca.
1. Pace non trovo (No. 104).
2. Benedetto sia ’1 giorno (No. 47).
3. I vidi in terra angelici costumi (No. 123). 1st version 1838-9; cf. 158. 2nd version 1861; 1 and 2 in reverse order; cf. 161, 4-6.

271. II m’aimait tant (Delphine Gay). C. 1840.

272. Im Rhein (Heine), (i) C. 1840; (ii) c. 1856.

273. Die Loreley (Heine), (i) 1841; (ii) c. 1856.

274. Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth (Lichnowsky). (i) 1841; (ii) 1860. Cf. 167.

275. Mignons Lied (Goethe), (i) 1842; (ii) c. 1856; (iii) 1860.

276. Comment, disaient-ils (Hugo), (i) 1842; (ii) c. 1859.

277. Bist du (Metschersky). 1843; rev. 1877-8.

278. Es war ein Konig in Thule (Goethe), (i) 1842; (ii) c. 1856.

279. Der du von dem Himmel bist (Goethe), (i) 1842; (i)) c. 1856; (iii) c. 1860; (iv) in L.’s
last years.

280. Freudvoll und leidvoll (Goethe). 1st setting, (i) C. 1844; (ii) c. 1860. 2nd setting. C. 1848.

281. Die Vatergruft (Uhland). 1844.

282. O quand je dors (Hugo), (i) 1842; (ii) c. 1859.

283. Enfant, si j’etais roi (Hugo). C. 1844; (ii) c. 1859.

284. S’il est un charmant gazon (Hugo), (i) C. 1844; (ii) c. 1859.

285. La tombe et la rose (Hugo). C. 1844.

286. Gastibelza, Bolero (Hugo). C. 1844.

287. Du bist wie eine Blume (Heine). C. 1842-3.

288. Was Liebe sei (Charlotte von Hagn).
1st setting c. 1843.
2nd setting c. 1855.
3rd setting c. 1878.

289. Vergiftet sind meine Lieder (Heine). 1842.

290. Morgens steh’ ich auf und frage (Heine). (i) C. 1843; (ii) c. 1855.

291. Die tote Nachtigall (Kaufmann). (i) C. 1843; (ii) 1878.

292. Songs f r om Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell.
1. Der Fischerknabe.
2. Der Hirt.
3. Der Alpenjager. (i) C. 1845; (ii) C. 1859.

293. Jeanne d’Arc au bucher (Dumas), (i) 1845; (ii) 1874.

294. Es rauschen die Winde (Rellstab). (i) C. 1845; (ii) c. 1860.

295. Wo weilt er? (Rellstab). C. 1845.

296. Ich mochte hingehn (Herwegh). C. 1845.

297. Wer nie sein Brot mit Tranen ass (Goethe)
1st setting c. 1845;
2nd setting c. 1860.

298. O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst (Freiligrath). C. 1845; cf. 541.

299. Isten veled (Farewell) (Horvath). 1846-7.

300. Le juif errant (Beranger). 1847.

301. Kling leise, mein Lied (Nordmann). (i) 1848; (ii) c. 1860.

301a. Oh pourquoi done (Mme. Pavloff). 1848; cf. 169.

301b. Filegie “En ces lieux” (Estienne Mornier).

302. Die Macht der Musik (Duchess Helen of Orleans). 1848-9.

303. Weimars Toten. Dithyrambe (Schober). 1848.

304. Le vieux vagabond (Beranger). 1848; foreshadows 97 and 109.

305. Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge (Dingelstedt). (i) 1845; (ii) c. 1860.

306. Ober alien Gipfeln ist Ruh (Goethe), (i) C. 1848; cf. 75; (ii) c. 1859.

307. Hohe Liebe (Ubland). C. 1849; cf. 541.

308. Gestorben war ich (Uhland). C. 1849; cf. 192, 1,541.

309. Ein Fichtenbaum steht cinsam (Heine). 1st setting c. 1855; 2nd setting c. 1860.

310. Nimm einen Strahl der Sonne. (Ihr Auge) (Rellstab). C. 1855.

311. Anfangs wollt’ ich fast verzagen (Heine). 1856; rev. c. 1880.

312. Wie singt die Lerche schon (Fallersleben). C. 1856.

313. Weimars Volkslied (Cornelius). 1857;cf.87.

314. Es muss ein Wunderbares sein (Redwitz). 1857.

315. Ich liebe dich (Ruckert). 1857.

316. Muttergottes-Strausslein zum Mai-Monate (Muller).
1. Das Veilchen.
2. Die Schlusselblumen. 1857.

317. Lasst mich ruhen (Fallersleben). C. 1858.

318. In Liebeslust (Fallersleben). C. 1858.

319. Ich scheide (Fallersleben). 1860.

320. Die drei Zigeuner (Lenau). 1860.

321. Die stille Wasserrose (Geibel). Prob. 1860.

322. Wieder mocht’ ich dir begegnen (Cornelius). 1860.

323. Jugendgluck (Pohl). C. 1860.

324. Blume und Duft (Hebbel). C. 1860.

325. Die Fischerstochter (Coronini). 1871.

326. La Perla (Princess Therese von Hohenlohe). 1872.

327. J’ai perdu ma force et ma vie (Tristesse. Musset). 1872.

328. Ihr Glocken von Marling (Kuh). 1874.

329. Und sprich (Biegeleben). 1874; rev. 1878.

330. Sei still (Nordheim). 1877.

331. Gebet (Bodenstedt). C. 1878.

332. Einst (Bodenstedt). C. 1878.

333. An Edlitam (Bodenstedt). C. 1878.

334. Der Gliickliche (Wilbrandt). C. 1878.

335. Go not, happy day (Tennyson). 1879.

336. Verlassen (Michell). 1880.

337. Des Tages laute Stimmen schweigen (von Saar). 1880.

338. U n d wir dachten der Toten (Freiligrath). C. 1884.

339. Ungarns Gott. A magyarok Istene (PetSfi). 1881.

340. Ungarisches Konigslied. Magyar Kiralydal (Abranyi). Cf. 93. 1883.


341. Ave Maria IV. Voice and organ (or harm, or pf.) 1881.

342. Le Crucifix (Hugo). Alto and pf. or harm. 1884, in 3 versions.

343. Sancta Caecilia. Alto and organ or harm. (In L.’s last years.) Legany: at latest 1874.

344. O Meer im Abendstrahl (Meissner). SA and pf. or harm. C. 1880.

345. Wartburg-Lieder from Der Braut Wilkomm auf Wartburg (Scheffel). 1872.
1. Introduction and mixed chorus.
2. Wolfram von Eschenbach.
3. Heinrich von Ofterdingen.
4. Walther von der Vogelweide.
5. Der tugendhafte Schreiber.
6. Biterolf und der Schmied von Ruhla.
7. Reimar der Alte. (Soloists, chorus and orch.)


346. Lenore (Burger) with pf. 1858.
347. Vor hundert Jahren (Halm) with orch. 1859.
348. Der traurige Monch (Lenau) with pf. 1860.
349. Des toten Dichters Liebe. A holt kolto szerelme (Jokai) with pf. 1874; cf. 195.
350. Der blinde Sanger (A. Tolstoy) with pf. 1875.